Mass effect andromeda download size pc
Mass effect andromeda download size pc

mass effect andromeda download size pc

Rather than navigating the complexities of an established galactic civilization, the player was driving around inhospitable worlds fighting the same monsters repeatedly. These large areas, combined with an overused scanning mechanic tied to Andromeda's AI assistant, made a lot of the side content feel like a checklist.

mass effect andromeda download size pc

Andromeda brought back vehicle gameplay (which was itself much better than driving Mass Effect 1's Mako), but the explorable areas were mostly empty. For the most part, the original Mass Effect trilogy has tightly designed levels and abandoned open exploration after the first game. This is also felt in Mass Effect: Andromeda's attempt to create multiple open worlds to explore. This is reportedly a symptom of Andromeda having a limited budget, which is in direct conflict to the game's attempt at increasing the scope of the gameplay.

Mass effect andromeda download size pc